How to categorize the SolidWorks components inside Revit Using BIMDeX

Exporting the models from the CAD interface to the BIM environment enhances multiple fortunes for the design and construction industries to collaborate on designs and elevate projects. When taking the model from the CAD to Revit, there are various needs for a customized export.  

In the case of exporting the model from SolidWorks to Revit, one can categorize the SolidWorks components inside Revit with ease and avoid misconceptions while having the model in the Revit environment.  

The BIMDeX SolidWorks to Revit exporter make it easy with the options for you to categorize the SolidWorks components based on rules and smoothly convert them to Revit.  

How to Categorize the SolidWorks Component?

With BIMDeX, categorizing the SolidWorks components is simple and user-friendly. Look at the steps that BIMDeX offers and streamline categorization.  

The BIMDeX SolidWorks to Revit exporter plugin can be installed in SolidWorks upon loading the model and can be initiated for export by clicking the ‘Export’ option.  

Step 1:

With BIMDeX, you will have the customize options to enhance customized exports, from which you can select the ‘Category Mapping’ option.  

Step 2:

Once you have chosen the category mapping, you will be directed to the ‘Rule Editor’ pop-up.  

Step 3:

Here, you can assign the pre-defined rules for category mapping based on file or property name, property value, and category.  

Step 4:

Selecting the property name is the first important step where BIMDeX will list all the available properties of SolidWorks parts and assemblies. If you want to choose other properties, you can opt for the ‘Include properties’ options, and BIMDeX will list the rest of the properties, and you can choose the exact ones.   

Step 5:

The immediate step after selecting the property name is to choose the property value. Based on the selected property name, BIMDeX will showcase the property value in the drop-down.  

Step 6:

Now, as a final step before exporting, BIMDeX will list out all the prominent categories in which the user can select the exact category, and once selected, BIMDeX will automatically map all the components based on name and value to the exact categories.  

Step 7:

As BIMDeX will critically automate the categorization process, the categorized SolidWorks model can now be exported to Revit as a BXF file and imported in Revit to have a significant view.  

How Does the Model Get Categorized in Revit From SolidWorks?

The SolidWorks components that are categorized and transferred as a BXF file can be stimulated for further categorization in Revit with BIMDeX.  

The exported file from SolidWorks can be imported with BIMDeX and offers the steps below to effectively categorize components.  

Step 1:

With BIMDeX, the user can import the SolidWorks model in Revit and obtain the categorized model without misconceptions. With the ‘File selection’ option, the user can choose the saved BXF and enhance it for import.  

Step 2:

To acquire further categorization options, BIMDeX has the ‘Advanced Settings’ option for users to reach the next part of categorization.  

Step 3:

Under the Advanced Settings, you can find the ‘Custom’ option, which will direct you to the space where the exported BXF file with the list of categorized SolidWorks components will be displayed.  

Step 4:

After selecting the ‘Custom option’, the user can check the categorized component list, and if required, the user can change the pre-assigned categories in Revit with much ease.  

To Conclude

Customized model export from SolidWorks to Revit emphasizes the aspect of model conversion, and with BIMDeX, it is assured. Effective categorization through BIMDeX reduces post-conversion issues and solves misconceptions about identifying the SolidWorks components in Revit.  

BIMDeX does not offer categorization alone; it has a series of features for model conversion from one software to another in a much more effective way compared to primitivity.  

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